Search comments
Q: What is source of listings:
A: most listing come from NEFA
Q: 1. will we be able to add to this list on a regualrly scheduled basis by uploading from NEFA ?
A: This will be handle automatically by site adminstrator
Q: 2. is there any way to separate out organizations from individuals and/ or creative businesses as a subset of the search ?
A: suggestion idea – requires such info from CG, might be there
Q: 3. i clicked on map but didnt see a mp come up to identify location . did i do something wrong ?
A: Early reviewers got a message at the very bottom saying map in development,
Now it works
Q: 4. can we add more pictures ?
Pictures on the front page and in the grid search are from the Creative Ground posts, we have not control over them. RR looking at creating image as website thumbnails of CG sites with no images.